
If you’ve ever cluttered your pockets, purse or walls with “To Do” notes and reminders, I’ve found a wonderful tool that helps me every day.

It’s called Wunderlist. It’s the most flexible, simple to use, sharable “List Productivity App” I’ve tested in the last four years.

It’s available for both Android and iPhone and can share lists across both platforms.

So if you love your iPhone and your mate or co-worker loves their Android phone, everybody just gets to love them more with this beautifully designed App.

Created in Germany, this list making and list sharing App let’s you:

* Create  Custom Lists for Anything. Work with several different groups? Quickly set up a check list for each that can also have Sub-tasks, to break down accomplishment steps into bite sized pieces.

* Work Jointly on Tasks with a Team. Share the list with the members of the team by just adding their email address to your share list. If they put the free Wunderlist App on their smartphone, when anyone in the group adds or checks off  an item on the list, everyone connected to the list instantly gets the update.

*At home, Share a “Live” Grocery List. How many times have you gone by a store and said “I wish I had the list, I’d pick the stuff up now.”  With Wunderlist, you both have the most up to date list and as you check off each item you put in your cart, it gets instantly removed from both of your lists.

No more “duplicate” buys because they didn’t know you had already picked them up.

* Move Items From One List to Another. Press and hold the item, tap the drop down of all your lists, tap that list and it’s moved. Done.

* Quickly Rearrange the Order of Items on a List. Just touch the item and drag it up or down to where you want it in the stack. You can also set a Reminder for any task with an alarm to have Wunderlist make sure you remember, even if you forget to check your main list.

With the Gmail integration, it will even post it to your Gmail or pop it up on your laptop screen when it’s due.

* Complete an Item? Tap the Check Box. Done. A check mark appears to visually check it off and the item goes away to the “completed” area. This area for each list can be made visible or hidden, but it also allows you to quickly retrieve any item you might have checked off by accident.

Plus, if you use the same list repeatedly, like what to pack for a trip, you can simply recover that list and modify it, never having to re-write the same list twice. Nice.

* If you have an Android phone with Google Voice command (like the Motorola Droid Turbo or Droid Maxx, or Samsung Galaxy S5+) you should be able to make Wunderlist the app your command “Take a note” defaults to.

If it will, Wunderlist take your voice note when on the go (like driving) to  “pick up eggs” right into your Wunderlist “In-box.” As soon as you stop, you can just move it into your Grocery list and nothing is forgotten.

* There’s also a Pro version that let’s you attach files to any “To Do” (handy especially for collaborative business uses), it increases the number of sub-tasks allowed to unlimited, (for breaking down major tasks) and more.

But you can just simply use it as an awesome “To Do” list system and be a master in few minutes.

Wunderlist is available in Google Play for Android and the App Store for iPhones and iPads and MacBooks. There’s even a Plug-In for Chrome browsers for laptop/desktop integration.

To your organizational success!

Let me know how it works for you.

You can also click below to check out more “Tools for Change” to help you succeed.

Never stop moving forward.


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